Vision & Refractive Errors | Keratoconus | Cataract Surgery
Implantable Contact Lens (Visian ICL)
The Evo Visian Implantable Contact Lens or ICL for short is a micro-thin lens similar in function to a contact lens. This lens is placed in front of your natural lens where it cannot be seen or felt. It differs from laser eye surgery or lens replacement/cataract surgery in that your corneas are not altered and your natural lens is not removed. The lens can be removed and therefore is reversible.
It can be used to correct short-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. The procedure can be used to treat a high range of correction needs – beyond what is possible with laser eye surgery. For those with thin or abnormal corneas, keratoconus and dry eye, this is an excellent alternative to laser eye surgery.
Excellent Vision and Removable
It allows you to achieve ultra-high definition vision without many of the risks associated with LASEK/LASIK. Unlike LASEK/LASIK surgery the corneal shape is not changed and no corneal tissue is removed. It is termed an “additive” procedure. ICL surgery is therefore reversible as well as less destructive. Should your prescription change, the lens is removable and replaceable to maintain your vision for years to come.
The EVO Visian Implantable Collagen (Collamer) Lenses (ICL) have been in regular use by our surgeon Mr Deepak Chitkara since 1997, with over 3,000,000 procedures performed worldwide.
ICL is invisible and works like a contact lens within the eye
ICL is tiny and soft and is injected painlessly into the eye in a few seconds through a tiny opening in the cornea
Positioned behind the iris and in front of the natural lens
You will be able to see almost immediately with complete recovery within a few hours
ICL is removable and replaceable unlike laser treatment
ICL provides high definition vision for even the most complex corrections such as astigmatism (from 0.5D to 7.00D) as well as extreme short sight (upto -23.00D) and farsightedness (up to +12.00D)
ICL provides high patient satisfaction
Useful in keratoconus or dry eye and large pupil where laser eye surgery is contraindicated
A superior alternative to Laser vision correction
Preferred technique for astronauts and fighter pilots and approved by NASA
Viewpoint is the only clinic in the North West to offer this advanced Technology since 1997
Over 25+ years track record - Mr Chitkara is one of the first surgeon in UK to perform ICL surgery with the longest experience in UK
Lens Material
The Lens is made of a biopolymer known as “Collamer”. This is derived from collagen, a natural material which is makes up the bulk of the human body. The material is bio-compatible, in other words is not considered foreign tissue and is not “rejected”.
UV protection
The Visian EVO ICL Collamer material has built in UV protection for the eye and in particular the retina.
Some patients have large pupils and thus more susceptible to halos and glare. Where possible the EVO+ lens which has an expanded optical zone size is used in order to avoid these symptoms.
Quick Procedure and Recovery
The EVO Visian ICL procedure is minimally invasive and is thus painless and quick. The lens is inserted through a small 2.5mm incision on the cornea under local anaesthesia. The operation is a short 5-minute painless procedure. Vision is significantly improved immediately and continues to improve over the next few days. Most patients are able to resume daily activities with clearer vision in a couple of days.

The Consultation
The consultation is essential to ensure your suitability for surgery and to plan the procedure with the correct dimensions of your eyes and prescription. The process involves a very thorough valuation of your eyes and some special specific tests such Specular microscopy to measure the corneal ndothelial cell count, anterior segment imaging and biometry to measure the dimensions of the front of your eye to ensure there is enough space to place an EVO Visian ICL inside your eye. This also helps us determine the size of the implant.
You will be provided further information about the procedure and shown video animations to help understand the process.
If you are suitable for ICL surgery and wish to proceed, the lenses will have to be ordered from the manufacturer Staar Inc. in Switzerland. If you have astigmatism or keratoconus, special bespoke lenses may have to be made for you and these can take about 6 weeks to manufacture sometimes longer depending on the prescription).

The Procedure
ICL surgery is generally be performed on both eyes on the same day under topical anaesthesia. On the day of surgery, dilating and strong anaesthetic drops are instilled in the eye. General anaesthetic is an option but will incur additional fees.
The procedure involves folding the lens in a lens insertion device and implanting the curled up lens through a tiny incision (2.5mm). The lens is then positioned behind the iris and rotated into the correct position. Antibiotics are inserted in the eye to prevent infection.
To help the eye heal, steroid and antibiotic eye drops will need to be taken four times daily for upto 4-weeks.

Aftercare and Recovery
We will call you the next day and arrange to see you within one to two days for an initial check to ensure all is well. You will be seen again at one month and a series of investigations will be performed to ensure your lenses are well positioned and stable. If felt necessary or if you have any concerns, you can be seen earlier. Vision is typically very good the day after ICL surgery and iomproves further with time.
The eye drops are very strong and can affect the eye surface causing symptoms of dry eye and may in
turn temporarily affect vision. This will improve once the drops are stopped, however it is important that these be used as instructed. You will also be provided with artificial tears to use in case this happens. We understand that all patients are different and recover differently. We will guide you through the initial healing process as necessary.
ICL surgery prices are an indication of usual charges. The information here is not complete and may be subject to change.
Consultation £230
Implantable Contact Lens ICL - Non Toric £3,400 per eye*
Implantable Contact Lens ICL - Toric £4000 per eye*
*per eye with 0% interest finance option payable over 10 months. Deposits will apply.
Since the ICL lenses are ordered specifically for each eye, a deposit is required which may not be refundable if bespoke or toric.
EVO Visian ICL surgery package fee includes:
The cost of procedure, including the ICL, and surgeons fees
Inclusive follow-up care for up to 12-months
Top-up laser eye surgery if required
Reassuring 24/7 emergency contact